Established in 1887, Oxford & District Trades Union Council (ODTUC) is a democratic organisation made up of elected delegates from local trade union branches. ODTUC meets each month to organise practical solidarity with working people in our district, across the country and internationally.
We support trade union education and back campaigns – for instance:
- for equal treatment of people irrespective of age, ability, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation.
- against cuts in and privatisation of services
- for a living wage for everyone
- against workplace bullying
- for decent housing, pensions
- and against imperialist wars.
Meetings are held at 7pm on the first Thursday of each month at Oxford Town Hall. ODTUC offer a hybrid setup of meetings in-person and online using Zoom. Please contact the Secretary for details.
From the TUC web site on Trades Union Councils:
Trades union councils promote working-class solidarity in local communities, and aim to:
- raise public awareness of rights at work and the union role in enforcing those rights
- promote organising and recruitment drives to build union membership
- support union and community campaigns for dignity and respect in the workplace and beyond
With the threats of racism and fascism, changes in the labour market and debates over the future of public services, the trade union voice in the community is as important as ever. The capacity of trades union councils to provide a local response and to organise trade unionists into coalitions with other progressive forces is crucial. They do this by providing services which keep local trade unionists up to date with developments within the wider trade union movement, and by taking up relevant local industrial and community issues.
How Trades Union Councils work:
Trades Union Councils consist of trade unions or branches of trade unions which meet within the area covered by that council, or which have members working or living in the area. A union branch will normally affiliate to the trades union council in the area in which it meets. Each branch will then send delegates to the trades union council’s meetings. These branches pay an affiliation fee. Their delegates elect officers from amongst themselves to represent the views and priorities of the constituent branches and to take responsibility for working for and supporting the policy of Congress and the TUC General Council.
This is because trades union councils are registered with the TUC, rather than being entirely independent bodies. The Annual Conference of Trades Union Councils takes place over a May weekend. For more details about Trades Union Councils, you can read the TUC’s guide, Unions in the Community. You can also see an A-Z list of Trades Union Councils.